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Funny Mummies Group
Private·2 members
Welcome to the group! You can connect with other members, get updates and share videos.
Group Rules
Be nice
This means no spamming, trolling, bullying or nastiness. It’s fine to disagree but please keep it respectful.Admin get the final say
Where it's a big deal we will usually do a poll to see what the tone of the group is. But in the name of sorting shit quickly if needed, admin reserves the right to decide what stays and goes here.Think before you post
We love you sharing funny content, but please have a think before you post: anything that we think crosses the line decency wise will be removed. Vague and subjective? Yeah, just like humour!Be respectful
Comments or posts that degrade any race, religion, gender, age or abilities will be removed. This includes bullying or harassment. Please don't.If you can't resolve it, ask an admin
We're not here to sort out disagreements as such (unless they break the other rules of course) but if you're having an issue we can help with please do get in touch.No adverts or promos that are off topic
Any promos must be Funny and for/by Mummies. You're welcome to plug your comedy show, podcast, book or whatever. But not just general products please, and once is usually enough!Politics is ok, just follow the rest of the rules
As voted by the group, we are ok with posting political funnies. Please if you don't like something, use Scrolly McScrollface rather than arguing. We want to keep this space fun and toxicity free!Have fun
That's why we're all here, right?Info
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Only approved members can view this group.
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July 28, 2021
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